

About dusk,
Sun's just round the bend.
Ready to go back home, or lose its way and dive into the sea.
Beyond it fly herds of birds,
Rows of feather, queuing together,
Tracing back steps to the wilderness
The branches of whose tree's,
Are adorned by their nests.

Back in the nests after day ends
To come back home and fall asleep
Content, aloft in their nests

Tracing back my flight
Land in reality
Amidst my own concrete jungle
I am the monarch of all i survey
With hands flung up in air, in despair.

No home, no nest to go back to
No flock to give me company
Here, amidst menacing rows of brick and mortar
Where should i return?
What place shall I call,
My home?


Siddharth Tripathy said...

This comment is misplaced. For a reason that I want you read it as early as it can happen.
It should have been along with one of Vincent's replica you posted.
Some time when we meet in calcutta I will take you to a tree in Dhakuria beneath which on a raindrenched afternoon, I and a friend of mine Aparaj Sharma, smoked god knows how many chillums with Vincent Van gogh

medusa said...


Runa said...

that's great. the poem.

serendipiduous said...

will you please start posting again...give us some food for thought, god knows we need some...

chitra said...

ki bolbo bolo? tumi likchho shetai bhalo.. lekha ta kemon sheta aami bolte paarchi na, tobe eto bolbo ki its not as natural as before.

Dipanjan Das said...

aro lekh re.