
Sigh ! i let myself down yet again

Amongst other things i have been preoccupied in telling myself that indulging in any literary endeavour when one earns his bread by writing the following day in day out, is but a fallacy, the vainest of ironies.(so much so that ones thought process is constrained by the logical, sequential, chronological, and brief.) Much to my chagrin and grief.

Please find below an example of creating a new blog:

Do the following:
  1. Click the Create Post link.
  2. A new Compose window is displayed.
  3. Enter the required title in the Title box.
  4. Click the Tab button.
  5. Start keying in the series of vague thoughts that are straying / drifting along the milky way of your mind.
And Viola !
The new post is posted.

Such is the irony that is wasted even on ironical. (God, Kudos to myself for coming up with a statement like the one above.)

It just shows that even the great Holden Caulfield (Jr) or a Bertie Wooster had a clearer mind than the i one i possess right now.

Nevertheless, i shall motor on and not give in to such self criticisms, after all isnt a self doubting self critical mind better than a Writers block.
Dont know whether thats said before. Feeling high for coming up with something as original. (Pun Intended)

So, where was i ?
Ok, now i remember, i was about to come up with my first post after a self imposed hiatus that stretched way beyond the limits of my own imagination.

And here i am gibberish as ever...

Clarity of thought, is all that is required, and boy isnt that something that comes naturally to me.

Far from being apologetic, i question my audience (self vanity at its best) whether this will qualify as a valid post.

To Hell with Reader Response Theory.

This IS my latest post.

Take it or leave it. (Read Leave it)

So; Till my ramblings begin again, peace to my readership. (Convinced i am that some people will actually take the pains to come to this line)

May you always be Forever Young.


zazu said...

whats happening to u dude???!!!??is it time i stepped in???